by Erica Seidel | May 15, 2019
Who’s the best B2B brand & marketing communications leader you know? I’ve just been retained to recruit a VP of Brand, Content & Communications for a human capital SaaS company with a mission of helping SMBs create great places to work....
by Erica Seidel | May 2, 2019
Picture it: A search for a VP of Marketing for a growing global company in a smoking hot category. We define the role, evaluate hundreds of candidates, and emerge with a star candidate. This candidate has relevant experience in the industry. She is excited about the...
by Erica Seidel | Mar 21, 2019
I’ve noticed something. When people call to ask me about doing a search for them, they are often grasping for questions to ask. It’s understandable. A search partner is an unusual mix: Part brand ambassador: Your search partner will have hundreds of...
by Erica Seidel | Mar 7, 2019
It was fun to join the hosts of the MarTech Advisor “Talking Stack” podcast to discuss executive recruiting for marketing and martech roles. Some highlights: If you want to hire a great marketing leader, you have to think like one The 5 things to align to...
by Erica Seidel | Feb 13, 2019
I am excited to announce a new placement: Lisa Conquergood joins USAFacts in Seattle to lead marketing. USAFacts is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic initiative, started by Steve Ballmer, with the goal of making government data more accessible and understandable to all...
by Erica Seidel | Feb 7, 2019
Recently I was invited to discuss “Challenges and Realities of Recruiting Modern Marketers” on the Good Morning Marketing Podcast. Thanks to the team at Zee Jay Digital for inviting me. Some topics we discussed Fads versus fundamentals (in marketing...
by Erica Seidel | Jan 11, 2019
I just bought a new car. Whoo hoo! When I was first picturing the new wheels, I didn’t realize how uncomfortable the buying process would be. After all, I regularly lead searches and negotiate deals many times this size on behalf of companies. I thought, I got...
by Erica Seidel | Dec 20, 2018
“What are the latest trends with hiring marketing leaders?” I get this question a lot. And it’s one of my favorite things to discuss. (Right up there with “What makes ‘This Is Us’ such a good show?” and “Would...
by Erica Seidel | Dec 17, 2018
Curious about what to expect when you recruit at the marketing/tech intersection, and how martech professionals can keep up-skilling? Check out this interview I did with Stensul’s Sarah Linney on The State of Executive Recruiting in MarTech.
by Erica Seidel | Oct 22, 2018
The Connective Good is doing a retained search for a Head of Marketing & Communications for a non-profit civic initiative in Seattle. This job is about putting unbiased facts on government spending and outcomes into the hands of citizens, the media, and other...
by Erica Seidel | Sep 5, 2018
You’ve worked hard to narrow down a pool of candidates. You make an offer to ‘the one.’ Then the unthinkable happens. Your dream candidate says “no.” Fair? No. Shocking? Yep. As disappointing as being dumped in a romantic relationship? Maybe....
by Erica Seidel | Aug 27, 2018
I am delighted to announce The Connective Good’s latest placement: Sherrill Zack Kaplan joins Zipcar as VP, Marketing & Sales. Sherrill was previously VP, Digital Marketing & Innovation, for Dunkin’ Brands. The backstory: Zipcar, the leading...