5 Types of Management Intelligence: A Cheat Sheet

5 Types of Management Intelligence: A Cheat Sheet

Have you ever met someone and written them off as a dim bulb, until you saw them in a different setting and realized how smart they are at something else? For instance, someone who wouldn’t be described as book smart, but is great at relating with others? Or the...
The Talent Land Grab In Marketing Technology: How To Win

The Talent Land Grab In Marketing Technology: How To Win

Pop quiz time: What percentage of new hires come from posting job ads on LinkedIn? (Hint: It may be much lower than you’d think.) Answer: Just 3%. Yikes! This stat comes from a Career Xroads survey of 50 companies who collectively hired thousands of new...
Recruiting a VP of Research in San Francisco

Recruiting a VP of Research in San Francisco

Hi all, I’ve just been retained to recruit a VP of Research in San Francisco. This is a very cool role with a company I’ve worked with quite a bit. It’s a good fit for someone who wants to reinvent industry research, be a thought leader at the...
Going Feral: Are Independents Too Wild To Hire?

Going Feral: Are Independents Too Wild To Hire?

“Once you’ve been an entrepreneur, you’re pretty much unemployable.” –Dharmesh Shah, Co-Founder and CTO, HubSpot, speaking at the recent MarTech conference “If you’ve been on your own for too long, people think you’ve...