by Erica Seidel | Nov 7, 2022
CMOs who can scale: something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. The most common thing that CEOs and investors want in their CMO candidates is scale-up cred: “We’re looking to grow from 50MM to 100MM; bring us the person who has done that before...
by Erica Seidel | Sep 28, 2022
“We’re $30MM in revenue and we want to scale fast to $100MM. Can you find us a CMO who has done that exact scale-up before… and wants to do it again?” I hear this a LOT when I start a new CMO search. Sometimes the specific request is for scale-up...
by Erica Seidel | Jul 20, 2022
When I was looking for someone to marry, I wrote up a scorecard to vet potential partners. I called it my LIFE scorecard. I was looking for someone who was a good Listener, had some International experience or interest, was socially Flexible (able to interact with...
by Erica Seidel | Jun 2, 2022
Recently I got a super cool search assignment – to recruit the VP of Brand Experience for Quickbase. I see many signs pointing to a rise in roles like this, leading Brand Experience — especially in SaaS companies that are: Betting on product-led growth Realizing...
by Erica Seidel | May 12, 2022
Greetings from the front lines of executive search for CMOs and VPs of marketing! Dang, is this not the most unique hiring market we’ve seen in years? A lot of search processes are changing to land the best talent. But one thing that hasn’t changed is the...