A successful career, in my view, comes from 3 things: talent, good luck, and good decision-making. Let’s assume you are talented, and let’s assume luck is out of your hands. The lever you are left with is your decision-making. How can you make the strongest decisions possible, whether you are recruiting or looking to get recruited?

In the latest episode of The Get podcast, we examine this question of avoiding red flags and decision-making flaws in CMO recruiting. You’ll meet my guest, Melissa Sargeant. Melissa has been CMO four times, most recently at AlphaSense, and previously at Litmus and SugarCRM and ChannelAdvisor. Before that, she was in senior marketing roles at Avalara and CA. She has driven great scale-up journeys in her career. In her words, “CMO roles are really revenue rescue missions” — and she has been that rescuer. I’m impressed by Melissa’s sheer range as a leader and as a marketer. She knows a lot about decision-making in recruiting!

You’ll hear about:

  • The 3 pillars of a successful career
  • Common flaws in decision-making in recruiting, such as: over-trusting someone else’s due diligence, over-estimating the appetite for transformation, falling in love with someone’s former company without looking at their specific contribution to it, and confirmation bias, to name a few
  • How to reduce risk in the CMO recruiting process, and what ‘mutual due diligence’ looks like
  • Ferreting out whether the company used to have product market fit, but now doesn’t
  • The two key questions to ask in an interview to suss out organizational dynamics, and how to identify red flags
  • Building trust and transparency as a new CMO… and the wisdom of avoiding making decisions for 30 days

Listen here.